The prevarication revolves around a mettlesome viscus Barun Biswas, portrayed by Parambrata Chatterjee, who upraised enunciate against numerous gang rapes in a community called Dukhiya. Dukhiya, where unit rapes had turn a fete. These were famed by many political criminals. They didn't regularise lean children and mature females. Constabulary would also not strike up any complaints against these almighty criminals. Barun Biswas with his squad forms a mart named 'Jagaran Mancha' and stands against all odds and unscheduled the law to halt the culprits. Eventually the accused men gets Barun Biswas murdered leaving the uncastrated village in scandalise and symptom. In the after half we see Binod Bihari Dutta, portrayed by Paran Bondhopadhyay (who was a workfellow to Barun in a schoolhouse in Kolkata), arrival to Dukhiya in seek of the emancipationist down Barun's revere. A new personnel functionary, Animesh Dutta was posted to the village, portrayed by Saswata Chatterjee. Binod change powerless and thus decided to aver the law in his own keeping. Gradually Binod killed all the criminals one after another and Animesh on the opposite writing continuing with his research of the periodical murders. By the finish remove Animesh gets keep of the crewman behind all these killings and thus arrests Binod Bihari Dutta. What happens close....? Can Binod puzzle or is he fined? This is for the conference to acquire out.
Director: Raj Chakraborty
Stars: Mainak Banerjee, Rittika Sen, Bonny Sengupta
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